
Too early to say four elephants were poisoned, says Johor Perhilitan

KLUANG: The results of postmortems on four elephants that were found dead at a village here today will be known in two to three weeks.

State Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) director Aminuddin Amin said the post-mortems included chemical tests.

"At this stage, it's too early to say the elephants died due to poisoning," he said.

Perhilitan officers were stationed at the place where the carcasses were buried to ensure they were not disturbed or moved.

Earlier, Paloh state assemblyman Lee Ting Han said the carcasses were buried where they were found to prevent the rest of the herd — numbering 15 to 20 animals — from running amok if it came across the remains.

The dead elephants were found in a cleared plot of land used by villagers to plant crops in Kampung Sri Timur in Kahang Timur, here.

Lee said it is believed poison was injected into fruits, which were left for the animals to eat.

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