
M'sian haj pilgrims reminded to reject any forms of polytheism

MAKKAH: All Muslims, especially Malaysian haj pilgrims have been reminded to reject all forms of 'syirik' or polytheism, and are urged to return to their innate nature (fitrah) of having belief in the oneness of Allah.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar said this in an Arafah sermon titled 'Kembali Kepada Fitrah' delivered in front of 31,600 Malaysian pilgrims who were performing the wukuf in Arafah to fulfill the second pillar of haj.

"Through the rituals or performance of the haj, people can be indirectly educated to strengthen their faith, improve their acts of worship, and develop noble character and morals.

"Allah SWT wants to educate us through the haj pilgrimage by setting several rules and prohibitions to prevent destructive actions.

"It also includes the importance of guarding our tongue and speech. By returning to our innate nature of goodness and obedience, we should maintain all the lessons gained from haj by refraining from sinful and immoral acts," he said.

Quoting a hadith narrated by one of Prophet Muhammad's companions, Abu Huraihah, Mohd Na'im said the Prophet Muhammad said whoever that performs haj at the Kaabah and did not utter any obscene or wicked words, nor commits any transgression, would return as pure as a newborn baby.

At the same time, Mohd Na'im also urged pilgrims to devote their entire heart and soul to returning to the innate nature of obeying Allah.

"Perform prayers of repentance in abundance and make supplications to Allah and ask for his forgiveness for our mistakes and shortcomings as weak human beings.

"Set a strong resolve not to repeat the sins we have committed. Seek forgiveness for all the sins we have done without any hesitance, for Allah is All-Seeing.

"Let us be ashamed before Allah, who is Most Kind, and who continuously bestows His mercy and blessings upon us, despite our transgressions.

"Let us also be ashamed before Allah, who is Most Forgiving, and who constantly calls upon us to seek his forgiveness and mercy, no matter how high our sins have piled up," he said.

He therefore urged pilgrims to perform all the pillars and obligatory acts of haj in complete order and deep reflection, and accompany each step with a heart full of hope for Allah's mercy and forgiveness.

"Remain steadfast in practicing and diligently carrying out His every command with patience and sincerity, so that this pilgrimage may transform us into righteous and virtuous servants of Allah," he added.

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