
Panda keeper pins hopes on loan renewal

KUALA LUMPUR: AFTER a decade of devotion to Zoo Negara's giant pandas, their caretaker Akmal Hadi Samsuddin is facing the heart-wrenching possibility of saying goodbye to the cherished animals.

The 10-year panda contract was supposed to end on May 20 this year. Despite this, Zoo Negara has not received any renewal updates.

The lingering uncertainty is a heavy burden for Akmal, who is part of the pioneer team responsible for their care in Malaysia and is hoping for a positive resolution that will allow him to continue his dedicated care.

"If we follow the agreement, the pandas will be loaned from China to Malaysia for 10 years, starting in 2014 and ending in (May) 2024.

"This year, we are hoping that the pair, Fu Wa (Xing Xing) and Feng Yi (Liang Liang), can remain at Zoo Negara. We still have the desire to care for this pair.

"But whether they will ask for a contract renewal, I'm not sure. I just hope we get the chance to still care for these pandas," he told the New Straits Times.

Akmal faces the prospect of bidding farewell to Xing Xing and Liang Liang — the third time he witnessed such a parting.

The first farewell was in November 2017, when Malaysia's first giant panda cub, Nuan Nuan, was sent to the Dujiangyan Panda Base in Sichuan, China.

This was followed by the departure of Sheng Yi and Yi Yi, who were sent back on Aug 29 last year.

"When Nuan Nuan first left, we felt it deeply. I used to call her every morning to feed her, 'Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan', and she would wake up. For the first week or two after she left, I sometimes forgot and called out for her, only to remember that she was no longer here.

"Last year, Yi Yi and Sheng Yi left. This building is where they lived. So, every part of this area, their enclosures, hold sentimental value for us."

A unique bond has formed between Akmal and the two giant pandas — one which has won the hearts of the Chinese people.

Chinese Netizens see Akmal as a highly dedicated panda keeper.

He has even earned the affectionate nickname nai pa or "nanny daddy" from them due to his extraordinary commitment.

"At first, when I was given this responsibility, we took it on as panda keepers. We didn't know that when we got to care for them (we will) successfully bred them.

"I feel very fortunate and grateful to have been chosen as one of the panda keepers.."

The story of Akmal and the pandas at Zoo Negara is not just about animal care; it is a tale of cultural exchange, diplomacy, and deep emotional connections.

As such, he hopes the diplomatic relationship between the two countries continues to flourish.

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