
Viral TikTok couple welcomes 12th child

KOTA BARU: The couple who went viral previously for having 11 children welcomed their 12th child at 3.43pm yesterday.

Shamsuri Shafie, 39, who is an Islamic medical practitioner, said he and his wife were blessed with a baby boy who was delivered at a medical centre. The couple have not yet named their newborn.

Shamsuri said he is grateful for being blessed with another child and relieved that his wife, Rosnaida Ismail, 38, had an easy delivery.

"Alhamdulillah, we are very excited and grateful that Allah made my wife's pregnancy smooth and without any complications, and she delivered safely.

"In fact, it's not just my wife and I who are excited, but the other children are thrilled to have a new sibling.

"As a husband, I want to thank my wife for her sacrifice in giving birth to our child.

"It's hard to find a wife who is as resilient, loving, calm, and responsible as her. She is my backbone and source of strength," he said when contacted by Harian Metro.

Shamsuri said he does not rule out the possibility of having more children in the future.

"If we are blessed with more, I would welcome it because children are a gift from Allah.

"Children bring blessings and strengthen the bond and love I have with my wife throughout our 19 years of marriage," he said.

Harian Metro had previously published the story of Shamsuri and Rosnaida who were blessed with 11 children consisting of six boys and five girls.

Their story garnered attention after Shamsuri shared videos and photos of his family on TikTok.

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