TANAH MERAH: A heartbreaking chapter in the lives of two brothers ended when they discovered that their mother had died three years ago, following an eight-year search to find her.
Muhammad Khairul Huzaifi Mohd Baidowi, 15, and his younger brother, Muhammad Khairul Aiman, 13, were informed of the devastating news by a woman who claimed to be their late mother's aunt.
The news came after media coverage of the brothers' search for their biological mother, Ezanie Eleena Mohamad Adnan, 30.
"For eight years, my brother and I tried to trace our biological mother, hoping to meet her again, but it turns out she passed away three years ago," said Khairul Huzaifi, visibly distraught.
Living at Maahad Tahfiz al-Quran Nur Al-Majid in Machang, Khairul Huzaifi recounted how his religious teacher shared the news with him at 8.15pm, after receiving a call from the woman.
"When the ustaz told us that our mother passed away three years ago due to kidney disease, my brother and I cried. We missed her and had really hoped to meet her," he said.
The brothers had been searching for their mother, who had disappeared eight years ago, in hopes of securing a MyKad for Khairul Huzaifi.
They had been living with their grandparents in Kampung Cermin.
Their tahfiz teacher, Mohd Faizal Ali, 40, said that he received a call at 8pm from the woman, who had seen his comment on the news about the brothers' search.
"The woman introduced herself as Ezanie's aunt and told me that the boys' mother passed away three years ago from kidney disease.
She sent me a video and a Facebook link about Ezanie's passing, along with proof and said that her grave is in Selangor. She said she would provide the address if they wish to visit," he said.
He added that while the news was heartbreaking, it allowed the brothers to finally let go of the hope they had been holding onto for years.
"At least now, they know the truth and won't have to keep waiting to meet her."
Regarding Khairul Huzaifi's MyKad, Mohd Faizal said that the Kelantan National Registration Department (NRD) had asked them to visit the Tanah Merah office to proceed with the identification card application.