
[Updated] Umno general assembly won't involve non-BN leaders

KUALA LUMPUR: This year's Umno general assembly will prioritise the party's big family and will not include leaders from parties other than from Barisan Nasional.

Umno secretary-general Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said this was agreed upon at the Unity Government's Leadership Council-level.

"We discussed at the Unity Government Leadership Council-level for the Umno general assembly, in its second year in the unity government, to be held among Umno's big family firstly.

"In the first year, we extended invitations and Insya Allah we will do that next year or in the year before an election.

"In this matter, we want to give as much space for Umno's big family to discuss in a family setting," he said when quoted by Buletin TV3 here today.

He was speaking to reporters in a special press conference ahead of the party's general assembly which will be held from Aug 21-24.

However, Asyraf confirmed that other BN component party leaders will attend the Umno general assembly as per usual.

Last year, Prime Minister and Pakatan Harapan chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as well as DAP and Parti Amanah Negara leaders attended the Umno general assembly.

Asyraf said the general assembly this time will focus a lot on discussing the people's issues, Umno's achievements in the push for technical and vocational education and training (TVET), halal industry, and tahfiz within the unity government.

He said delgates during the Umno divisional meetings, which were completed last week, brought up motions regarding issues faced by the people, in addition to politics touching on Umno's cooperation with PH.

"I think the general assembly's agenda this time will focus on the people's interest. This is a good development- Umno not focusing on Umno's internal and political rhetorics.

"Programmes to help the people, National Tahfiz Policy, halal and TVET issues and also the cost of living of the rakyat. Delegates had given a lot of focus on these issues."

When commenting on a motion for the party's two top posts to be contested in its next polls, Asyraf said only one division tabled that motion.

"Our (party) polls is still a long way to go. As long as it's not a party election year, it will not be brought up (in division meetings). Only one division (brought it up). Traditionally in Umno, if there is no election mood, it will not be a big (priority)," he said.

On the running of the general assembly, Asyraf said various programmes and activities will be held for both delegates and members of the public starting on Sunday.

Among them are the International Young Future Leaders SUMMIT

(Ifuture 2024); Technical and Vocational Education and Training Exploration Exhibition, along with 100 stalls selling much food and drinks.

"The 2024 Umno general assembly will involve 6,433 delegates comprising 2,939 delegates in the general assembly, 1,171 Wanita delegates, 1,173 youth and 1,150 Puteri delegates," he said.

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