
#SHOWBIZ: Puteri Sarah offered RM15k to be an escort

KUALA LUMPUR: "Just because I'm divorced now, I was recently offered to become an escort! Can you believe it?"

Actress Puteri Liyana revealed this to reporters at the press launch for the latest police TV show 'Polis Peronda' at Sri Pentas in Petaling Jaya, Selangor yesterday.

The 38-year-old artiste said it was funny, considering that she received the message while filming the TV series in a police station.

"I received a message from a scammer who claimed to be (actress) Nadia Brian. She asked if I was free later that evening and if I was interested to go out and have drinks with a 'Datuk'.

"The message said I only had to accompany this person having some drinks, and that I'd be offered a sum of RM15,000."

"I told her flatly, that I wasn't that kind of person and this person had the nerve of asking me if I could share Emma's mobile number," she recounted.

That's when she realised, it could be a scammer, and not Nadia.

"I quickly called Nadia to verify this, and she was shocked to hear that."

Being at a police station, it didn't take her long to lodge a report to the authorities on the incident.

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