
15 squatter homes destroyed in fire

KOTA KINABALU: Fifteen squatter homes near Kampung Kalansanan, Inanam, were destroyed in a fire today.

There were no casualties or injuries.

Assistant Fire Superintendent Riki Mohan Singh Ramday said they received a call about the fire at 12:53pm.

He said a team of 15 personnel and officers from the Lintas Fire and Rescue Department and the Emergency Medical Rescue Services unit were dispatched to the scene.

"The fire destroyed 15 squatter houses. The fire team is working to control the fire."

He added that the operation was assisted by the police, Rela and Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd.

The fire is believed to have been caused by a short circuit during the demolition of squatter houses carried out by the authorities.

It is understood that there was illegal wiring in the area, and the wooden structure of the houses accelerated the spread of the fire.

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