NST Viral

#NSTviral: Man wins praise for using own money to fix street lights

KUALA LUMPUR: A Facebook post of a Malaysian man who spent his own money to fix the street lights in his residential area caught netizens attention.

Concerned about a road that is too dark at night in his residential area, a Malaysian man named Sunny Coco took matters into his own hands and fixed the street lights.

Sunny posted several pictures of the ongoing work to install street lights on the road on Facebook.

The pictures show a backhoe being used by a worker to climb up the electricity poles to install the lamps on the street.

He spent his own money to install the lights so that pedestrians can use it safely.

"This road is too dark at night. So, I decided to pay for the whole street lights.

"Hope to help the pedestrians by lighting up the road," he wrote in the captions.

Sunny also revealed that each street lamp cost him RM2,000 to install.

Netizens praised Sunny in the comments section of the post.

"Good Job," wrote Lau Jia Hui.

"Thank you, for your kind heart. Hope you continue to fix more lights for the benefit of all beings," commented Kuet Khiun Bong.

"Good people live a safe life and contribute good things to society," wrote Ailing Tan.

"You're great Sunny Coco, may all your affairs be eased," wrote Chow Markoh.

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