
6 teenagers in Perlis bully case changed plea

KANGAR: Six teenagers who pleaded guilty at Juvenile Court here last month to a charge of bullying their junior at an orphanage home in May, today changed their plea at the same court.

All accused, aged between 13 and 16 today pleaded not guilty and claimed trial when the charge was read for the second time before Magistrate Nik Mohd Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri.

They are charged under Section 147 of the Penal Code for committing the offence at Kompleks Penyayang Dr. Siti Hasmah's orphanage hostel in Jejawi, between May 31 and June 1.

The charge came after the nearly seven minutes video clip of the teenagers beating up a Year Five student at the hostel was uploaded and gone viral in social media early last month.

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