
#Showbiz: Amber Chia and former husband never registered their marriage

KUALA LUMPUR: Model and actress Amber Chia has revealed that she and her former husband Adrian Wong never registered their 2010 marriage which ended 11 years later.

Chia, 42, said in a news report yesterday that she and businessman Wong never officially registered their marriage because it took her sister nearly 10 years to settle divorce procedures, and she did not want to go through the same hassle.

Chia also revealed that she and Wong often argued due to conflicting opinions including their 13-year-old son Ashton's education.

"We had so many arguments and our feelings naturally faded.

"There was even a period where it got so bad that we didn't want to speak to each other," said Chia adding that this situation lasted for four years.

Chia also said that even though Ashton would comfort her whenever she argued with Wong, he opposed their separation.

"I explained to him that no matter what happens, he will always be our son and we will always love him unconditionally. In the end, he accepted our divorce," she said.

Although the two have parted ways, Chia and Wong have remained good friends, and Wong even invited her to his 50th birthday party recently.

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