Crime & Courts

Man found drowned 5 days after jumping into Sungai Pahang to escape police

KUANTAN: An angler who dived into Sungai Pahang during a police raid at a floating raft house in Kampung Serendang near Charuk Puting in Bera on May 28 was found drowned on Sunday.

The 25-year-old's body was found at 11am 5km from the spot where he was last seen.

Pahang police chief Datuk Seri Yahaya Othman said investigations revealed the man had jumped into the river to flee from police who were conducting an anti-drug operation codenamed Op Hawk in the area.

"During the police operation, the victim had jumped into the river. A search operation was started, before his remains were recovered several days later on June 2," he told reporters after attending the Pahang police monthly gathering at the state police headquarters here.

Yahaya said the man's father had lodged a police report on May 29 after his son failed to return home after going fishing about 8.30pm the previous day.

The victim's father told police that his son's friend informed him that the Bera Narcotics Crime Investigation Department had raided the floating raft house about 10pm on May 28 and the victim dived into the water.

The three-day Op Hawk conducted across Pahang last week led to the arrest of 226 people, including 11 women, aged between 16 and 64 for various drug offences.

On a separate matter, Yahaya said police were in the midst of compiling the psychiatric assessment report on the 35-year-old woman who stopped her vehicle along the East Coast Expressway 1 near Temerloh before crossing the stretch, resulting in a fatal accident on April 26.

"The woman was instructed to undergo a psychiatric evaluation at a hospital before she was released on police bail. We will compile the necessary documents including the hospital report before sending it to the deputy public prosecutor's office for further action," he said.

In the April 26 incident, a 34-year-old man died when his high-powered motorcycle collided with a Mitsubishi Triton four-wheel-drive vehicle.

The Triton which was on the fast lane had come to a halt to avoid the woman who ran across the road.

In his speech earlier, Yahaya said the Pahang Commercial Crime Investigation Department had opened 869 investigation papers into cases involving losses of RM42 million in the first five months of this year.

He said even though the number of cases was lower compared to the same duration last year which recorded 932 cases, the total loss recorded last year was only RM18 million.

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